Forget water skiing squirrels — this station had a moose turd artist kicker

By MixDex Article may include affiliate links

WABI in Bangor, Maine, sent reporter and anchor Brian Sullivan out to cover moose turds — and the woman who makes art from them.

  • Sullivan, who also anchored the late night Sept. 27 newscast where the story was used as a kicker — was quick to point out that the boss gave him “one bleep” to use during the story.
  • “Get on there and all my turds are on that page with the prices and they can click on them and they can get to me let me know what you need for turds I ship s*** everywhere,” was the his masterful selection from the artist a woman named Mary Winchenbach.
  • Sullivan introduced the package himself without cracking a smile — but that was probably because most of the moose turd references hadn’t been used yet.
  • The package itself included Winchenbach showing off clocks, mobiles and other works.
  • Winchenbach also shares her observations and tricks for locating large quantities of moose poop.
  • After the package ran, there was an awkward on-set discussion about the story complete with some smirks.