Here are Jim Lehrer’s 10 rules for journalism

By MixDex Article may include affiliate links

Iconic former “PBS NewsHour” anchor Jim Lehrer died at 85 earlier this week — and as part of a tribute to him, here’s his self written “rules of journalism.”

  1. Do nothing I cannot defend.
  2. Cover, write and present every story with the care I would want if the story were about me.
  3. Assume there is at least one other side or version to every story.
  4. Assume the viewer is as smart and caring and good a person as I am.
  5. Assume the same about all people on whom I report.
  6. Assume personal lives are a private matter until a legitimate turn in the story absolutely mandates otherwise.
  7. Carefully separate opinion and analysis from straight news stories and clearly label everything
  8. Do not use anonymous sources or blind quotes except on rare and monumental occasions. No one should be allowed to attack another
  9. anonymously.
  10. “I am not in the entertainment business.”