White powder leads to hazmat response at Fox offices
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The building housing the operations of Fox’s right leaning cable network and other ventures was subject to a hazmat investigation Friday, Aug. 13, 2021, after an envelope containing a white powder was opened.
The New York City police’s hazardous materials unit and fire department were notified at around 11:25 a.m. Friday.
Further investigation revealed the substance to be non-hazardous.
Fox operates from within the News Corp. building at 1211 Sixth Avenue. The building contains multiple newsrooms and workspaces, studios and backend operations for the network.
The incident is reminiscent of a series of envelopes received at ABC, CBS, NBC and The New York Post’s NYC offices in the weeks following the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Another letter was sent to the National Enquirer’s office in Florida and others were received by U.S. senators.
At the time 22 people developed anthrax infections, with five dying.
The targeted media facilities and other offices had to undergo extensive decontamination.
Investigators would eventually identify Bruce Edwards Ivins, a government scientist, as the sole culprit behind the mailings, but he committed suicide before he could be tried.
The letters lead to increased screening of incoming mail and packages to U.S. government officials and media organizations, with some of these operations moving offsite.
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