Why didn’t NBC mention its murky past with Harvey Weinstein investigation?

By MixDex Article may include affiliate links

In reporting the Harvey Weinstein New York trial verdict, NBC News (as well as the other major networks) mostly ignored the rather convoluted path the reporting that would ultimately lead to charges against the fallen mogul took.

As detailed extensively in his book, “Catch and Kill,” Ronan Farrow heavily investigated reports of the Weinstein accusations while on NBC payroll — reporting that continued after he contract with the network expired.

NBC’s legal and PR teams have taken issue with many of the accounts and claims made in that book, but Farrow paints a portrait of NBC ultimately “passing” on the story, leading Farrow to take it to The New Yorker, where it was ultimately published and for which he won Pulitzer Prize.

NBC maintains that Farrow’s reporting did not meet its journalistic and legal standards.

Farrow’s book and other reports have accused NBC of “ignoring” the story in order to avoid awkward questions about its own internal issues with sexual harassment, including incidents that ultimately lead to the firing of “Today” co-anchor Matt Lauer.

Both The New Yorker and The New York Times published explosive stories about the media mogul’s alleged history of harassment.

On “NBC Nightly News” the night of the verdict and the next day on “Today,” NBC reports only made passing reference to the publications that ultimately went through with publishing the accounts of alleged abuse and didn’t mention its own involvement at all.

NBC included screen captures of the stories during its report on the verdict, but did not mention the authors of the reports or that one previously worked on the story for NBC.

ABC News did have Farrow, who has sat for interviews on the subject before on the network, on “Good Morning America” where the book and podcast by the same name were mentioned.

CBS also did not make any major references to NBC’s past involvement with the story on either its evening newscast or morning show the next day.

NBC News did not respond to a request for comment.